
See also

  • Official ReactiveX documentation: Switch

Performs a exclusive waiting for the first to finish before subscribing to another observable. Observables that come in between subscriptions will be dropped on the floor.

Returns an exclusive observable {Observable} with only the results that happen when subscribed.


Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element’s index and then transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.

Keyword arguments: selector – {Function} A transform function to apply to each source

element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element.

Returns an observable {Observable} sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source producing an Observable of Observable sequences and that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received.


Transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.

Returns:The observable sequence that at any point in time produces the

elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. :rtype: Observable
