from rx.core import Observable, AnonymousObservable
from rx.concurrency import immediate_scheduler
from rx.internal import extensionclassmethod
@extensionclassmethod(Observable, alias="throw_exception")
def throw(cls, exception, scheduler=None):
"""Returns an observable sequence that terminates with an exception,
using the specified scheduler to send out the single OnError message.
1 - res = rx.Observable.throw_exception(Exception('Error'))
2 - res = rx.Observable.throw_exception(Exception('Error'),
Keyword arguments:
exception -- An object used for the sequence's termination.
scheduler -- Scheduler to send the exceptional termination call on. If
not specified, defaults to ImmediateScheduler.
Returns the observable sequence that terminates exceptionally with the
specified exception object.
scheduler = scheduler or immediate_scheduler
exception = exception if type(exception) is Exception else Exception(exception)
def subscribe(observer):
def action(scheduler, state):
return scheduler.schedule(action)
return AnonymousObservable(subscribe)