Source code for rx.linq.observable.scan

from rx import Observable
from rx.internal import extensionmethod

def scan(self, accumulator, seed=None):
    """Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence and
    returns each intermediate result. The optional seed value is used as
    the initial accumulator value. For aggregation behavior with no
    intermediate results, see Observable.aggregate.

    1 - scanned = source.scan(lambda acc, x: acc + x)
    2 - scanned = source.scan(lambda acc, x: acc + x, 0)

    Keyword arguments:
    accumulator -- An accumulator function to be invoked on each element.
    seed -- [Optional] The initial accumulator value.

    Returns an observable sequence containing the accumulated values.

    has_seed = False
    if not seed is None:
        has_seed = True

    source = self

    def defer():
        has_accumulation = [False]
        accumulation = [None]

        def projection(x):
            if has_accumulation[0]:
                accumulation[0] = accumulator(accumulation[0], x)
                accumulation[0] =  accumulator(seed, x) if has_seed else x
                has_accumulation[0] = True

            return accumulation[0]
    return Observable.defer(defer)