from rx import AnonymousObservable, Observable
from rx.internal import extensionmethod
def default_if_empty(self, default_value=None):
"""Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value
in a singleton sequence if the sequence is empty.
res = obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty()
obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(False
Keyword arguments:
default_value -- The value to return if the sequence is empty. If not
provided, this defaults to None.
Returns an observable {Observable} sequence that contains the specified
default value if the source is empty otherwise, the elements of the
source itself.
source = self
def subscribe(observer):
found = [False]
def on_next(x):
found[0] = True
def on_completed():
if not found[0]:
return source.subscribe(on_next, observer.on_error, on_completed)
return AnonymousObservable(subscribe)